About Me

Name             : Nibrasul Islam Ohin.
Linkedin        :  https://ca.linkedin.com/in/nibrasohin

Currently a 3 rd year student of the computer science department at the University of Manitoba.

A little insight to my life:

From my childhood I was always fascinated by magic tricks. Its not because its something impossible in reality but cause I always thought how efficient the world could be if it could be implemeneted in the real world. That's what inspired me to go for computer science.

In my childhood I thought the magics to be real, but as I grew up I came to know that there were tricks behind each magic and so me Tele-Porting someone in their emergencies was no were close to happening in reality. But as I got to know about computers the filed of Artificial Intelligence started attracting me. On grade 9 I came to know about programming, though in my high school there were no subjects related to computer I started learning about computers by my self. Though I did not learn programming then but I had a glimpse at it. The power I saw in it reminded me of the magic I had always cherished in my childhood. I was first amused that I could write only 5 lines of code and print out the addition of numbers ranging from thousands to millions. I knew that this is the closest thing I could get to magic and use it to help people. I decided on grade 9 that computer science is going to be my field. Then I started knowing about the basics of computers and also learned to fix some basic problems such as fixing booting problems, blue screen death of error, virus problems etc. From then onward till now I am the guy to my friends in need of any computer help. I always enjoy helping others out cause I learn so much in the process. 

So here I am now studying at The University of Manitoba in computer science and fulfilling my dream. I have always been interested in developing software which will help people in their daily life  thus contributing in making a change in the world.

Want to know more? Shoot me an email and I'll get back to you asap.

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