Monday, 16 May 2016

Efficient Battery Life for Android/Iphone/Windows

Summary: A process by which all the social networking apps like Facebook, viber ,skype can make a single request to the server to check for updated messages  as one so that individual requests for messages can be eliminated so that it'll save battery life of the phone.

Just had an idea today, as an android user I usually use a lot of apps like Skype,viber,whats app,snapchat,line,Facebook messenger and these heavy apps drains most of our smartphones battery. One of the major battery draining reason is synchronization of messages,notifications and for that the apps requests their determined server for data regarding any latest messages,phones or notifications. This is a common activity of all the major social networking apps. My idea is if there was a centralized system integrated to the phone so that for all these similar kinds of apps only a single request is enough to the server to know if there is any new messages or notifications in these apps like facebook,viber ....etc. In this way all the synchronization of messages can be done with only one requests and thus saving a lot of battery life and reducing the pressure of the phone.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Android App: Auto Course Planner

The app will automatically compute for you the courses you need to do in the upcoming semesters 
in the most efficient way and relieving you from all the hassle of designing your graduation planning guide.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Saving Interest Calculator For Parents

I believe computer science is a field which can be used to help all categories of people which is one of the inspirations behind me choosing this field for higher studies.

During this semester break I went to visit my parents for a week in Mississauga and during my visit thought of helping my parents keep track of their life's saving by writing a program to manage all that.

So I  wrote a java application for my parents.

What it does?

* Reads bank account info from a text file 
( Can edit all the info's from the text file )
* Calculates the interest rate 
* Then prints out the summary of the amount of interest gained monthly from all the different accounts
* Also separates how much interest in total has been added from the primary amount up till the current date. (The program takes the computer's current date)

Note: The program might seem very simple but it has to take into account a lot of facts, below are some of the problems I faced while developing the program:



*As all the money were invested for bonds and different bonds had different time to maturity had to take that in account 
* As some bonds were bought before  and some were bought after one another so all the calculations had to be managed well to give the right calculation
* As the program was taking the current time from the computer and some bonds time period has already been finished had to stop calculating interest rate for those specific bonds also had to adjust the monthly interest rate as those bonds were not in play anymore.


* The program takes all the information from a text file so that my parents can change the info without having to change the code which wouldn't have been possible if all the values were hard coded.
* My parents have to just click the run button and enter 1 to generate the summary  text file containing all the updated info about the interest rate and the bank accounts implementing information hiding and encapsulation.

I want to help the people of the  world with my computer science skills. But everything has its beginning and the people I started helping  happens to be my parents and this is just the beginning ........