Summary: A process by which all the social networking apps like Facebook, viber ,skype can make a single request to the server to check for updated messages as one so that individual requests for messages can be eliminated so that it'll save battery life of the phone.
Just had an idea today, as an android user I usually use a lot of apps like Skype,viber,whats app,snapchat,line,Facebook messenger and these heavy apps drains most of our smartphones battery. One of the major battery draining reason is synchronization of messages,notifications and for that the apps requests their determined server for data regarding any latest messages,phones or notifications. This is a common activity of all the major social networking apps. My idea is if there was a centralized system integrated to the phone so that for all these similar kinds of apps only a single request is enough to the server to know if there is any new messages or notifications in these apps like facebook,viber ....etc. In this way all the synchronization of messages can be done with only one requests and thus saving a lot of battery life and reducing the pressure of the phone.