Wednesday 24 August 2016

Bus Navigation and Timing Using Google Maps

Are you new to Winnipeg,Canada?
Starting classes at the University of Manitoba or International College of Manitoba?

This post focuses on how to use google maps for bus navigation for mainly international students as in some countries google maps is hardly used for navigation but in Canada its the main source of navigation let it be for bus or cars. But first if you're a new student to the University of Manitoba you have to do a couple of things:

This Video Shows how to use google maps for bus navigation:

Initial Things To do at University of Manitoba :
*Get your student Id from-4th floor University Center
*Buy your bus pass if you're planning to use bus pass from -1st floor University Center
*Get your health card from-Manitoba Health Center-Address: 300 Carlton Street, Winnipeg,    Manitoba.
* Meet an advisor if you have any confusions about courses

Important Location of The University Of Manitoba:
*Admissions Office-4th floor University Center
*Registration Office-4th floor University Center
*International College Of Manitoba Office -5th floor University Center
*University of Manitoba Bookstore-1st floor University Center
*Food Courts-1st floor University Center
*Autopac Insurance-1st floor University Center

Important Addresses for New Comers:
*Manitoba Health Center-300 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
*Real Canadian Superstore (For Groceries)-80 Bison Drive
*Cibc Bank Close to the University-2866 Pembina Hwy (204-944-5119) [Have to take appointment by calling if you're planning to open your bank account]
*Scotia Bank Close to the University- 9 Killarney Ave,Winnipeg,Manitoba (204-985-5196) [Have to take appointment by calling if you're planning to open your bank account]
*Victoria General Hospital-2340 Pembina Hwy, (204-2693570)

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Random To Do List- Android App

As part of the dev programming club we implemented this app which will take all the task you want to do and will give you your tasks randomly which will make completing your tasks a little more interesting . We completed the app as a group and we did not use databases to store info, rather we used shared preferences as the amount of info needed to store wasn't huge and also at that time we weren't familiar with android sq-lite data base. The source code for the app is uploaded to git hub. Feel free to check it out and let me know if you could find any 

Group Members:

Git Hub

Monday 15 August 2016

SQL Certification from Sololearn

As I started developing android apps I felt the necessity of storing data. But I had no prior knowledge about Databases. So started learning about My SQL  from Sololearn. They have a nice interface and a very friendly interactive learning platform. It usually follows the videos of  newboston but at the same time has quizzes to test the knowledge instantly. I've been at it for the last 2 weeks and managed to finish it .

Certificate Link:

Some of the concepts I have learned about SQL from the course are mentioned below:

*Introduction to Databases
*SQL Statements: Select
*SQL Syntax Rules
*Selecting Multiple Columns
*Distinct and Limits
*Storing Results
*WHERE Statements
*Filtering with AND,OR
*IN,NOT IN Statements
*Custom Columns
*Sub queries
*Joining Tables
*Types of Join
*The INSERT Statement
*UPDATE and DELETE Statements
*Creating a Table
*Alter,Drop,Rename a Table

*Quizzes from each of the topics
* Quizzes from a group of topics
*Challenges on all the overall topics